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CAPuS - Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (Project n. 588082-EPP-1-2017-1-ITEPPKA2-KA)

Progetti internazionali
Ente finanziatore
€ 997117
01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020
Dominique Scalarone

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

In Europe, urban art is in a kind of limbo. On the one hand, the general public has long been uncertain about considering it a form of art in its own right. On the other hand, urban art has not received the attention it deserves, even from those working in that sector. However, urban art is now gaining increasing importance and the affection of citizens. Nevertheless, the issue of conserving urban artworks has not yet been systematically addressed. The goals of the CAPuS project are the development of guidelines for the protection and conservation of contemporary artworks that belong to street and urban art and the introduction of an innovative training module in higher education institutions. Through the close cooperation among researchers, educators and business people, operational protocols will then be introduced for specific interventions on this kind of artworks. Firstly, the project features an initial phase of structured dialogue with the artists and the formalization of artworks. The second phase will continue with the analysis of the artworks' constituent. This phase actively involves exchanges between teachers, students and researchers. The first result of this synergy is the rationalization of the types of artworks. Within the third phase, the profitable synergy with the companies will finally take place. This is when specific conservation methods and products will be developed and will be drawn up into conservation guidelines. Internship opportunities for students at companies involved in the project are also envisaged. The results of this research are open-access and will constitute the basis to create an innovative formative module to be introduced in higher education institutions. A pilot course will be taught during the project’s lifespan and an e-learning course will be implemented.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/07/2022 14:51
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